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How to Start a Bullet Journal – Easy Ideas for Organization & Creativity

Keeping a bullet journal is a great way to organise your life, you can write wish lists, books you want to read, manage your daily tasks, track and organise your time, all in one place. It is an easy system that helps you stay organised and on top of your goals, while letting your creativity run wild. 

 In this Blog Post we want to share with a few ideas of how you too can create your own Bullet Journal. The sections within the journal can vary from mood trackers, to weekly planners or simply journaling your ideas and thoughts.

 To begin you will need:
- Notebook.  If you haven’t got one just yet, check our notebook collection here, with many designs to choose from they are great for that. They have vibrant colours and are in an easy to carry A5 size.
-Pencil and rubber
-Colourful pens /pencils
-Rulers and stationery compass
-Brush pens
-Stickers. You can check out some of our stickers here too.

Creating a Mood Tracker:
Creating a mood tracker is really simple and easy way to keep your emotions in check and it helps you improve your daily life. However you can use this method to track anything from a habit you want to break to building an exercise routine.

  1. On top of the page you can write your title or the month.
    bullet journal
  2. You then need to draw a circle. You can use a stationery compass to make a nice round circle. 
  3. Then divide the circle into even sections with the days of the month. 
  4. Write the dates in each section.
    mood tracker

  5. Don’t forget to add a colour key above or below the tracker.
  6. Decorate the surrounding white space with drawings, motivational messages or some stickers. You can use pencil at first and once happy with the position and the isllustration you can go on top with a pen.

Creating a Planner Page: 
A planner page is definitely going to be your best friend when it comes to staying on top of your goals and To Do lists. You may be already using a calendar spread sheet, but adding a planner page in your journal allows you to customise it and turn a boring task page into a more inspiring and motivational space.

  1. You can start by writing down the month and the days, essentially like a small calendar on one of the pages;
  2. Then write down your weekly goals. They can be divided into categories such as : work, personal and fun.

  3. On the other page write down the days of the week alongside the date.
  4. Fill each one with the task you want to complete and add a circle or square box to mark weather or not you were able to complete it.
  5. Create a key or colour coding to help you organise all the goals and tasks.
  6. You can add some illustrations and banners to brighten up this page. Just because it is a planner it doesn’t mean it should be boring, right?

Creating a Journal Page:
Keeping a journal as we mentioned is all about managing your life. This section is a space where you can document all your thoughts, ideas or experiences. 

  1. Write down the title at the top of the page. You can use colourful pens to do so. 

  2. Then you can add some pictures or stickers. 
  3. Don’t forget to leave enough space for writing down your journaling.

  4. Once you have completed the page, you can add some extra fun illustrations to fill the empty spaces.

 These are some of the ways you can fill in your journal and make managing your life a bit more fun. And really there isn’t just one way, but hopefully you will be inspired and find ideas that will help you start your own bullet journal. 


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